It is only my second day in Doha, but I get to see my new workplace - the College of the North Atlantic - Qatar. It still seems strange that I am working in Doha at a college based in Newfoundland. Sure doesn't look like Newfoundland in February! Although the college has one-quarter of the students at Niagara College, the campus is about four times bigger and very impressive. The Qatari students can be recognized by the traditional white thobes (for men) and black abayas (women) they are wearing.
The IT department where I will be working is nicely appointed and includes a solarium in the middle of it where you can actually go for a smoke ... unbelievable.

The people that I will be working with are mostly expats as well. They come from India, Somalia, Lebanon, Sri Lanka and yes, Canada. There is a large number of Canadian expats, although they are primarily from Newfoundland, so they still seem like people from a strange land, especially when they talk. It is doubly strange that they teach the Qataris English, but qualify it somewhat by calling it English as a Foreign Language ... seems foreign to me.