Saturday, January 31, 2009

From the Land of Snow

It's a long flight from Toronto to Doha, and a long way from Canadian winter to the hot deserts of Qatar. But, apparently, the Canadian weather was not going to let me free yet as it followed me to London, England causing London's biggest snowstorm in two decades. If the Brit's only knew it was my fault for trying to escape weather we Canadians like to leave behind. Consequently, we were stacked up over Heathrow airport due to the fact that half of the runways were closed, and we landed about 45 minutes late. Once on the ground, we were delayed another 45 minutes as a large jet had skidded sideways on the taxiway heading towards the terminal ... glad I wasn't on that plane.(Heathrow plane blocking our plane)

By the time we deplaned, the departure time for my scheduled flight to Doha had passed, but it didn't matter because no planes were going anywhere. It may have been the largest snowfall England has seen in eighteen years, but to a Canadian like me, you wondered what the fuss was all about with only about 4 inches of snow on the ground.

After an 8 hour delay at Heathrow, I was very relieved when we finally departed for Doha. No one in Britain realized that I had been the cause of their natural disaster. That was the last time I would see snow.

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